Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Isabel Paramo

3) For African Americans in the South after the Civil War, what help did they receive? What challenges did they face?

           According to the article,"A Bleak Future For  Freedom", by Samuel Childress 1865;
Samuel and other African Americans had to face their "wicked old" masters to convince
them to give their old slaves taxes.  But that causes the masters to get outraged and that'll create chaos to      both sides.  Samuel explain how "gloomy" the South is going to be in the future when the text 
said, "You desire to know our opinions on the policy of President Andrew Johnson about 
 the colored race.  We see no prospect for permanent homes and we see no prospect of them 
 getting away".  No men were treated equally even if the people were a different
race, in the late 80's was a broken union.


  1. isabel i like how you wrote how did the women or men feelings and how you answer the question and i agree with you.

  2. I agree with you about your answer
