Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

1) What did Americans (Northern and Southern, black and white) think of the government during Reconstruction – military occupation of the South, civil rights laws, and the president’s plans?

   Keyanna Sauceda -Question 1 

 In the document " The Views of a Former Confederate Supporter in 1996 " A white southerner supporter of the Confederacy Edwin H. McCaleb states feels like after lincoln got assassinated  , President Johnson ignores the constitution and put military governments over the states. According to the letter that McCaleb wrote he states that , " Mr.Johnson disregards (ignores) the Constitution and instead decides to put military governments over the states." Also this directly violates of the Constitution . McCaleb feels bad about Lincoln's assassination . Lincoln was a great man and the country could not  afford to lose his services during important crisis.

Damon,Duane.When This Cruel War Is Over. Minneapolis: lerner Publications Company, 1996 (PRINT)