Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The reconstruction was rebuilding the south and having the southern states come back into the union.  The largest group of voters in the south were African Americans they joined the republican party.  Poor farmers in the south didn't like the Democratic Party, so they were also Republicans.  The southern Democrats didn't like those that weren't Democratic, and they labeled them scalawags, or scoundrel. A fifteenth amendment was created to protect African American men's right to vote. From this I can infer the African American's were in support of the government because they are allowing them to vote and protecting that right. Many people were dedicated to one group and those who didn't agree with them were called names. From this I would think that they weren't feeling too great towards this. Men of color in the Senate and House were seen as studious, earnest and ambitious men. From this I can conclude African Americans felt positive towards the new government, as well as other white people.

For more information:
Hart, Diane. History Alive! The United States through Industrialism. Palo Alto: Teachers' Curriculum Institute. 2005. (print).   


  1. You showed good inference. Good job!

  2. I typed it but I really love your evidence! And your amazing at paraphrasing. You should consider doing it more often. Great JOB!

    1. Even though you typed it you didn't contribute to the wording, evidence, nor analysis.

    2. Smart Morgan, I was complementing not talking about my genius issues.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
