Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Monday, March 24, 2014

Zorayda Chavez--Response to Question 3:

       African Americans in the South faced many challenges after the Civil War. In the article titled, "Report of the Board of Education for Freedom, Department of the Gulf" by the U.S. Army, it shows many examples of the challenges that they would have to overcome. For instance, the students "...walked three miles a day, ankle deep in thick, black mud that pulls of my [the teacher's] shoes." This shows that African American students and teachers had to endure walking for long lengths of time through mud to get to school. Also, further down in the article it says that people would break into the school-houses and destroy furniture, books, and windows. Additionally, officers would not support African Americans and would allow their dogs to bite the students. Overall, African Americans did face many challenges after the Civil War.   
          For more information:
          Hakim, Joy. Freedom: A History of U.S. New York: Oxford University Press                                   Inc.,2003. (Print).


  1. Good job. You don't have to highlight your paragraph white because I think we all know what we're going to read. Try explaining more on how it affected them just so it's at least a little bit more interesting.

    1. I didn't highlight it, it just happened. Look at a lot of other people's posts and it's like that also. And, the article didn't really explain how it affected them, the question didn't really ask for that too.

  2. I agree with this because the south and others never wanted to change they just did it because they lost the war and the president wanted them to

  3. I totally agree with you. Knowing they' faced serious problems with very little help, the children were the ones that got affected.

  4. this is a really juicy paragraph and I like how you went into detail

    1. I totally agree with Elijaah Lopez. Such a great paragraph!!!
