Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Cumberland Landing, Va. Group of "contrabands" at Foller's house

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sierra Prabpan - Question 3

Question 3:
For African Americans in the South after the Civil War, what help did they receive? What challenges did they face?

The challenge they ( former slaves ) has face were that the whites did not accept that the former slaves decide to learn and began to threaten them and attack the school ( EX. one police officer wanted release the dogs on night class students and people deface the school like throwing things through the window ) they have got their freedom except others ( whites [ former slaves owners or racists ] ) . 

Info from :
Title: Report of the Board of Education for Freedmen, Department of the Gulf
The Perspective of Teachers at African American Schools in 1864
Author: ?

By the end of the Civil War, some 200,000 black soldiers had served in the Union army and navy, staking a claim to citizenship in the postwar nation.
During the war, "rehearsals for Reconstruction" took place in the Union-occupied South. On the
South Carolina Sea Islands, the former slaves demanded land of their own, while government officials and Northern investors urged them
to return to work on the plantations.

Even though the slaves were given their right for citzenship and freedom people both north and south needed them to work for cash crop and the government didn't want to give them land so it be cheaper for "former slaves" to just go back 

For any addtional information:

The former slaves receive their freedom of liberty and citzenship except other  ( whites [ former slaves owners or racists ] or any other whites who wanted more money ) thought it was a bad thing and had no acceptance it for it and rejected it while also were not given land by government since it be cheaper for them to go back to their old "homes" the plantations.